The complex situated in the central hub of South Delhi opposite the Asiad village complex, is built on a site of 3.29 acres. The National cooperative union of India is an apex organization, looking into the affairs of state at a national level. The brief for the project consisted of a training centre, a research and documentation centre and a large auditorium with a seating capacity of 1000, along with multiple conference halls and seminar rooms. Provision for hostel facilities and a printing press is also part of this prominent complex.
The core of the complex is adorned with a connecting piazza, which acts the link of movement between various buildings of the complex. The beautifully landscaped single storey piazza, houses a permanent exhibition hall and reception. The entrance piazza has an inviting porch with wide flight of steps and a fibre glass dome to provide blue day light in the hall.
Prof. Shah shares that being a beginner in the practice; it was a challenge getting approved the design through various authorities and statutory bodies. However, he adds that the cohesiveness within the architectural fraternity was so pro-active, that bonding between the senior architects and the clients faith in him, made the project a living success.